and yet so far away.
A few weeks ago my wonderful husband dressed my darling daughter all on his own. I hadn't put out any clothes for the day so he set out to match an outfit all by himself. He didn't quite get an outfit that matched. It was at least all pink though.
After this weekend of searching for the onesie that matched the pants I had picked out, I reorganized Elizabeth's drawers. I figured I could seperate her onesies into drawers - one drawer for onesies that had matching pants, another drawer for onesies that didn't have matching pants. I added a drawer for shirts (those obviously needed pants) and, finally, a drawer for pants. I even put together a couple outfits altogether in the closet so if he was in doubt, he could use one of those. He's had trouble matching the Garanimals line of clothing so I was trying to make things as easy as possible for him.
I came home today to a daughter wearing a shirt and matching pants. Success! He told me he even remembered to look at the label to see who made the shirt and pants to make sure they were the same. He remembered! Yay! Fast forward to about three hours later...
So, I'm sitting on the couch, holding Elizabeth, and just chatting with her. Since I had gotten home around 4, I'd been doing laundry, getting dinner together, and straigtening up Elizabeth's laundry and room. This was the first time we'd sat and talked. I noticed something odd...the embroidery on her pants was only in the back. I think my husband noticed me noticing this. I stood her up in my lap and turned her around. Cute little pockets in the back and, sure enough, only the back of the leg had the flowers embroidered on it. At this point, a thought had entered my mind. I'm about to check for the tag in the pants when my husband says, "Those are the weirdest pants. The tag is in the front."
Ummm...huh? My husband has been putting her pants on backwards all day long! I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing. "But, the pockets...they look like they go in the back," was his only response. I could only laugh and tell him the tag always goes in the back. I could understand if he didn't see the tag or there wasn't a tag but he had stopped and thought about it and, going against everything he has learned about clothing tags his entire life, he decided this pair of pants must be wrong because those pockets couldn't possibly go in the front.
I love my husband. He keeps trying. He's a great dad because he does stuff like this and laughs about it.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Log Roll
Elizabeth started rolling over from back to tummy a couple weeks ago. She had not figured out tummy to back though. This is one baby who HATES to be on her tummy. So, she'd roll over, look around, realized she was on her tummy, and scream to high heaven! You'd roll her back to her back and she'd start the process over again. About a week ago, she started going tummy to back but only rarely. The only reason we know is because we would see her roll onto her tummy and then we'd let her cry a little bit. She's got to have tummy time. Well, she would stop crying and we'd look up and she was back on her back so she must have been rolling the other way...either that or the little mouse who lives with us in the apartment is flipping her over.
Thursday, things changed. She started to figure out that she could roll over and over again. Matt spread a sheet out on the floor and she rolled across the sheet!! Too cute! It took her a while but she did it. Soon, she'll roll all over with a purpose. Pookie is getting mobile!!!!!
Thursday, things changed. She started to figure out that she could roll over and over again. Matt spread a sheet out on the floor and she rolled across the sheet!! Too cute! It took her a while but she did it. Soon, she'll roll all over with a purpose. Pookie is getting mobile!!!!!
Snuggle Bunny
Someone just had her bottle and is now being a snuggle bunny with me. I love having Elizabeth curled up and asleep in my arms. I wish I could save the moments like this forever. It's already different then from when she was a month old. She doesn't snuggle the same way and I miss it!
I haven't posted in a while. I may make a bunch of posts about all the cute stuff she's doing now. Of course, I get busy and forget too. You never know...stay tuned!
I haven't posted in a while. I may make a bunch of posts about all the cute stuff she's doing now. Of course, I get busy and forget too. You never know...stay tuned!
Monday, October 20, 2008
My Little Pumpkin
So, like most new moms, I wanted to take Elizabeth to the pumpkin patch. In my mind, I thought about the cute pictures I could get and scrapbooking the memories so we can look back at them years from now and smile.
In the car, driving to the pumpkin patch, I thought, "What do you do with a 2 month old?" It's not like she actually cares about where she is. She's still in the "eat, poop, and cry" stage. She's got no clue why Mommy and Daddy dressed her up and took her out on a chilly morning and stuck her amongst this cold, hard, orange things and kept flashing the camera at her. She just wanted something to did Mommy but I wanted something stronger than what was in her bottle.
Still, we did the cute pictures and she got her first pumpkin. Photos are on her website. Too darn cute in my opinion but, well, I'm Mommy and I think she's too darn cute most of the time anyway.
I think next year, she'll have a little more fun. Maybe, we'll even do the hayride.
In the car, driving to the pumpkin patch, I thought, "What do you do with a 2 month old?" It's not like she actually cares about where she is. She's still in the "eat, poop, and cry" stage. She's got no clue why Mommy and Daddy dressed her up and took her out on a chilly morning and stuck her amongst this cold, hard, orange things and kept flashing the camera at her. She just wanted something to did Mommy but I wanted something stronger than what was in her bottle.
Still, we did the cute pictures and she got her first pumpkin. Photos are on her website. Too darn cute in my opinion but, well, I'm Mommy and I think she's too darn cute most of the time anyway.
I think next year, she'll have a little more fun. Maybe, we'll even do the hayride.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I always wondered what the pets thought
Things always seem funnier when you're tired. One night Elizabeth would not fall asleep. She wanted to be help and wouldn't accept anyone holding her but mommy. So, I'm holding my darling daughter and bored out of my mind. I don't want to turn on the tv because I'm afraid I'll keep her awake so I decided to surf the web. I went to the site I Can Has Cheezburger? It's got pictures of cats with captions. Seems like a stupid idea. However, it can be quite funny at times...especially when those times are between midnight and 4am and you haven't slept in two days. I went back there this morning when, after feeding Elizabeth and being unable to get back to sleep myself, and came across this picture.

more animals
I actually laughed out loud. That doesn't happen often with the internet. So, now I know how the animals feel when you bring a little bundle of cuteness home.
more animals
I actually laughed out loud. That doesn't happen often with the internet. So, now I know how the animals feel when you bring a little bundle of cuteness home.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I took my daughter to the bookstore last week. I wanted to get out of the house and I figured I could look for a copy of Pat the Bunny for her. I'm wandering around Barnes and Noble in the children's section enjoying myself. Elizabeth is asleep in her stroller. As I've come to expect, people peer in at her and comment on her.
One woman looks at her and tells me how cute my little boy is. This has happened before and it doesn't bug me. Babies are hard to tell which gender they are. She asked her name and when I told her she looked shocked. Her response to me was, "I didn't know she was a girl. She's wearing green and I couldn't tell." She was actually huffy with me!
Umm...Huh? I wasn't rude or anything to her. I don't mind she mistaked my darling daughter for a boy. It happens. No biggy. However, her response with the color was what confused me and, frankly, pissed me off a bit. Elizabeth was in a pale mint. Ok...boys can wear that color. But, for the life of me, I've never seen a boy with bows and lace on their pale mint onesies. I also have never seen them with a pink blanket tucking them into their stroller. It could happen. I'm not denying that. But, if color is your reason for telling a boy and girl apart, look at the pink!
I looked at the woman and told her there were pink flowers on her pants (that the pink blanket was covering) and she seemed to feel a little better that my daughter was wearing something that showed her gender more clearly. As she walked away, I could only roll my eyes.
I guess I'll go out and exchange my grey and green stroller for a pink and purple one and make sure that my daughter is always in pink and purple dresses with bows in her hair. I sure wouldn't want to confuse anyone. I guess this lady thought that my daughter might grow up confused about her gender or something. It's a good think I didn't put her dark blue robot onesie on her that my sister bought. That woman would have probably had a stroke.
One woman looks at her and tells me how cute my little boy is. This has happened before and it doesn't bug me. Babies are hard to tell which gender they are. She asked her name and when I told her she looked shocked. Her response to me was, "I didn't know she was a girl. She's wearing green and I couldn't tell." She was actually huffy with me!
Umm...Huh? I wasn't rude or anything to her. I don't mind she mistaked my darling daughter for a boy. It happens. No biggy. However, her response with the color was what confused me and, frankly, pissed me off a bit. Elizabeth was in a pale mint. Ok...boys can wear that color. But, for the life of me, I've never seen a boy with bows and lace on their pale mint onesies. I also have never seen them with a pink blanket tucking them into their stroller. It could happen. I'm not denying that. But, if color is your reason for telling a boy and girl apart, look at the pink!
I looked at the woman and told her there were pink flowers on her pants (that the pink blanket was covering) and she seemed to feel a little better that my daughter was wearing something that showed her gender more clearly. As she walked away, I could only roll my eyes.
I guess I'll go out and exchange my grey and green stroller for a pink and purple one and make sure that my daughter is always in pink and purple dresses with bows in her hair. I sure wouldn't want to confuse anyone. I guess this lady thought that my daughter might grow up confused about her gender or something. It's a good think I didn't put her dark blue robot onesie on her that my sister bought. That woman would have probably had a stroke.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sleep? What's that?
Today my daughter is seven weeks old. It's hard to believe that seven weeks ago I was in a hospital room sleeping. I think that was the last time I actually got a decent night's sleep.
Everyone always asks me if Elizabeth is sleeping through the night yet. That's a hard question to answer. She has slept for long stretches since we brought her home. The first night I had my husband wake her up because she hadn't fed in close to four hours. Big mistake!!! She screamed for the next four hours. I learned then, don't wake a sleeping baby.
So, fast forward to now. She'll sleep for long stretches but, for the most part, she likes to sleep from about midnight to 4am. She'll go longer if she's in her bouncer and we're bouncing her. But, is that really sleeping through the night? I'll tell you what, after an hour or two of bouncing her, my foot gets tired!
I think I'm going to try to find some counter space in this tiny apartment kitchen we're in and buy a coffee maker. I go back to work in just over a week and there's no way I can teach a bunch of third graders with two hours of sleep a night. I'll be lucky to find my classroom like this.
Oh! It's 11:18 and my husband just put Elizabeth in her crib. Cross your fingers. Maybe I'll get to sleep for a few hours. dream.
Everyone always asks me if Elizabeth is sleeping through the night yet. That's a hard question to answer. She has slept for long stretches since we brought her home. The first night I had my husband wake her up because she hadn't fed in close to four hours. Big mistake!!! She screamed for the next four hours. I learned then, don't wake a sleeping baby.
So, fast forward to now. She'll sleep for long stretches but, for the most part, she likes to sleep from about midnight to 4am. She'll go longer if she's in her bouncer and we're bouncing her. But, is that really sleeping through the night? I'll tell you what, after an hour or two of bouncing her, my foot gets tired!
I think I'm going to try to find some counter space in this tiny apartment kitchen we're in and buy a coffee maker. I go back to work in just over a week and there's no way I can teach a bunch of third graders with two hours of sleep a night. I'll be lucky to find my classroom like this.
Oh! It's 11:18 and my husband just put Elizabeth in her crib. Cross your fingers. Maybe I'll get to sleep for a few hours. dream.
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