Monday, July 30, 2012

Project Life - Week 3

For some reason, I didn't photograph the the two page spread.  Let's just jump right in to the left page.

Little Miss just adores to fold shirts with the shirt foldy thingy Fabulous Husband bought.  Little Miss likes to draw and has lately been getting into drawing faces.  I figured handing her one of my PL cards to draw me a picture would turn out cute.  I was right.  Tuesday's picture would be a rare photo of my desk at school actually cleaned off!!  It's a running joke that we're never sure what color my desk is since it's usually covered with papers and books.

I got this shot of the sunrise from my classroom window.  So pretty!!  Thursday, I got the awful immobilizer brace off.  I switched to a brace that let me bend me knee.  Friday was hair cut day!  We take her to Silly Scissors in Mooresville.  She loves that place.  And look at that...more folding!  Even now, she still likes to help with folding. 

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